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Monday, July 12, 2010

My Microdermal Anchor

Be aware, if you don't like blood and ickyness.... feel free to pass.

So on June 30th at 2:00PM I headed down to Sudden Rush (in Waipahu) to get a dermal anchor piercing.
What is that?? 
For more pictures of them: BME
For some of you who are wondering how small it is:
Picture from Steel Navel.

I wanted one a few years ago but it wasn't so mainstream and not many places knew how to do it.
Made up my mind and decided to get it. With much persuasion at the very last second because I started having second thoughts.
I paid $70. -___- Yeah. I really wanted it though.
You can put them almost anywhere.
So here is the picture line of my piercing from June 30th to July 12th.  

Don't mind my neck... It's kind of hairy. Asian-ness.

An hour after I got it done.
It took the guy a couple tries to get it into the hole.
He used a 14g needle and pretty much delicately shoved the anchor into the hole.
I felt the bruising the next 2 or 3 days after.
I wore a band-aid on it at work cause it kept bleeding when I moved.
I also slept with a band-aid on my neck for the first week too.

The next day, it had crusties and some scaring developed.

The picture I posted on Facebook the day after I got it.
It looked like this for a while..... THEN.....

This was on July 8th.
I guess the scaring set in and the bruising healed up.

This was the next day.
The scabbing was gone.

Today the 12th.
Sorry for the crap ass focus of it.
Basically it's a littttttttle bit red but it doesn't hurt to touch it or anything.

I keep taking pictures of it because it's super hard for a person to see behind their neck.
Hahahaha! So I take pictures to make sure it looks good.
I wash it with antibacterial soap once a day and do a warm salt soak daily too.
The piercer said to wash it 3-4 times a day with antibacterial soap, but I notice antibacterial soap dries your cuts/piercing.
Salt soaks are the best and natural way to seal them IMO.

If you're thinking of getting one... do it!!
It's super cute and the healing so far has been great.
I'll do an update in about a month or so.

What kind of body modifications do you have??


  1. I was wondering what these types of body piercings were! I kept seeing people with them. Well I guess it's not really a piercing because nothing comes out the other end? haha.

  2. want want want! I want either a surface piercing or microdermals on my wrist... been thinking about it for so long! But my friend got it and his rejected really badly :( But yours looks so good! When I come to Oahu I wanna do it hehe :3

    I have 8 piercings, only my ears. 1 cartilage and 3 lobe, same on the other ear. I did both cartilage and 4 of the lobes myself since I didn't want to pay to do it XD

  3. The idea seems so scary! So the bottom part is inserted into the skin and you just attach the top part? @________@ mind boggling haha...

    So far I have no piercings. I want 5 on my ears (2 pairs of lobes and a halfway piecing--I saw BoA's and was like "omg I must get that!") Haha, but the price kind of deters me... I mean, $30 to get an ugly metal ball for a month and a half <_< (Asian cheapness :p)

  4. OHMYGAWD Serenie!! I didn't know these types of body piercings existed!! This is crazy!! But kinda cool at the same time :) I am strangely fascinated!

    I don't have any piercings! My skin is allergic.. I tried to pierce my ears twice, only to result in a rash/red bump thing all over my face >_< Tried using sterling silver, 18k gold.. none of it worked!

  5. omg that's so scary D: ! you are so brave to get one. i would love a tattoo there though. it does look really cool on you. camwhore the hell of that when it heals ^__^ !

  6. @Erynn: I'm scared of it rejecting!!! I hope it doesn't.
    LOL. I'm too scared to pierce myself. I think I'm gonna make it crooked!
    Yeaaaah! When you come to Oahu I wanna go with you!!!
    I wanted one on my wrist too but I was thinking I'd whack it a lot.

    @Shirley: I want that halfway piercing too!!!!!! I was thinking about it cause it seriously is suuuuper cute!!!
    I hate how they all say "free piercing" but you gotta buy the earrings that's $30. LOL.

    @Sophia: That sucks super bad! My friend is like that. Super sensitive to nickel stuff. So she has to use 24k gold I think??

    @Angie: I want a tattoo! Just to see what it feels like.
    I told my mom I wanted a sleeve and she was like "Hell no!" She even said I could have a dog so I won't get a sleeve. Hahaha!
    Do you have any tattoos??

  7. F**K i shouldnt have looked......LOL! how do you take it off???

  8. wow, i never thought you could get it on your neck... nice =). I only have belly and 3 ear cartilage... hurt sooo much.

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